A little bit about myself...

I was born in 1971. Grown up in a small village known as Chuping, in the State of Perlis, pre-u ("A" level) study done in Alor Star, State of Kedah, 64km on the South of my Childhood laughter. Then I further study in Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia. Graduate in 1994. Meantime, I work as a Mechanical Engineer in Kuala Lumpur, the capitol of my beloved country.

Both Music and Readings are my hobby since the age of 9, which would last fover. As I was a curious guy, others "side" hobby changes from time to time, travelling, foods, drawings, chess, sports, movies, computer games, literatures, irc scripts, and blah blah blah.

I like to stay alone infront of computer doing my works, and I enjoy the croud of gathering with friends; I can lie on my bed for one whole days reading story books, and I do enjoy outdoor activities like shopping as well; sometimes I might be very lazy to clean my room, but sometimes I may wax my floor 3 times a day; I like to talk a lot, and I like to keep quiet; I like science and I appreciate arts...

The combination of two different character made up a guy known as Jeremy Chen Tek Chee, that's me, and build up the homepage as what you see......

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我生於1971年,小时候住在马来西亚最北部玻璃市州内的洙滨,一个绿茵无尽,四季常 青,谥满了童年无穷笑意的城外小乡。中六(大学预备班)转学到位於吉打州的亚罗士 打。再升学 Tunku Abdul Rahman 学院,1994 年毕业。目前在我最母亲的马来西亚当个 机械工程师。

音乐与阅读是我自9岁那年开始就不可或缺的生活点缀。由於对各种新奇的事物都有着浓 厚的兴趣,一些较旁支的嗜好也跟着日新月异,当中包括了旅游,食物,下棋,绘画, 运动,电影,文学,电脑游戏,irc script,网站设计,厨艺等等!!

我喜欢独自对着电脑静静的工作,也喜欢与好友围着餐桌大吵大闹大叫;我可以一整天 躲在房里躺在床上一面吃零食一面看书,也可以很三八的挤过汹涌的人群翻上翻下的找 大减价的便宜货;我像很多男人一样懒得收拾房间,但有时又会在一天内为地板打上三 层腊;我喜欢沉思,但也很爱说话;我是忧郁的,也是乐天的;是逻辑性的,也是梦幻 型的...

这样一动一静的两极组成了我这样一个叫陈德志的生物。也许也已经在不经意间,於这 网页的字里行间流露...


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