A little bit about myself...
( and how much you want? )

I was born in 1971, grown up in a small village known as Chuping, State of Perlis, an evergreen garden in North Malaysia, the dreamland of city guys, and the place where my first pimples grow. My pre-university ("A" level) was done in Alor Star, Kedah state, a so call town. Traditionally, we just have to go for higher education, the most stupid society concept to secure easier job with better pay.

But the universities reject my application, so I end up in in Tunku Abdul Rahman College to battle against formulas, theories, definitions, assumptions, and etc etc etc for the prefession of Mechanical Engineer. I get out of it in 1994, but soon involve in a bigger fight against corporate big-shots in Kuala Lumpur, the capitol of Malaysia. Here, they construct high-rise and highway in the same time so that traffic jam remains.

Music and readings are the mandatory needs of my life, just like air and waterto you, or bread and butter. I'm a curious child enjoy learning new knowledge, so, besides bread and butter, I manage to have some peanuts hobbies like travelling, foods, chess, sports, movies, drawings, computer games, literatures, irc script, cookings...

My friends recognise me as crazy nut, but my colleagues say that I'm fierce; they say that I'm quiet, but sometimes talkative; I'm serious about work, but I used to keep the "Doraemon" comics in the security locker my company provided me to keep petty cash!; I'm too lazy to clean my room, but sometimes I would wax my floor 3 times a day; sometimes I may drive half a day for popular hawker food, and sometimes I may just having overnite noddles just because I was too lazy to cross a road for lunch...

I'm a combination of two extreme, like the mix of Ginseng soup and salted fish (nice?), like Jeremy Chen Tek Chee.

And so do this homepage... right?


我出生於1971年,小时候住在马来西亚最北部玻璃市州内一个叫的洙滨的小镇, 一个绿茵无尽,四季常青,谥满了童年无穷笑意的城外小乡,也是我第一次被人的地方。 中六时我很传统性的学人进城,到吉打州的亚罗士打读书。传统上乡下少年进城时是要 牵一头牛的,但那时已没什么牛好牵,我只好牵一架电单车将就将就。传统是好的,当 然要把它承传下去。更传统的是我也像那些传统型的阿公阿婆一样认为要读到很高的学 历才算有出息,所以也在传统的压力下打算考到传统上最好的大学继续深造。

但是大学不收啊!我只好去 Tunku Abdul Rahman 学院和那些杂七杂八的定律啦理论啦 公式啦什麽的打交道。好不容易在 1994 年毕了业,然后开始了为五斗米(还是最便宜 那种)而与人明争暗斗口是心非的工程师生涯,战场在吉隆坡,一个高楼大厦和高速公 路同时林立好让交通继续拥挤的城市。

音乐与阅读自9岁那年就成了生活中不可或缺的必须,小时由於家境贫穷,点不 起灯,我就在墙壁上笃了个洞,借着邻居的灯光。。。。由於对各种乱七八 糟难以归类新奇的事物都很有浓厚的兴趣,也就培养了一些较旁门左道的嗜好如旅游, 吃,下棋,绘画,运动,电影,irc script,文学,电脑游戏等,甚至包括了厨艺。。 。(吹咩!〕

我可以很幽默,甚至近乎乱来,但也可以很凶;思想有点保守(简称老古董!),也有点 前卫;我享受独处时的寂寞,也喜欢疯狂的喧哗;可以内向,可以外向;有时听讲座,有 时看摇滚演奏;我是乐天派的,也是忧郁型的(齐人忧天的那种忧法〕;是......

总之我是两种极端的混合体,像之乎者也的科学报告,像北极上空的太阳,像人参汤里的 咸鱼块,像陈德志。

也许这网页也不例外...... 是吧?

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